eBook: NCV4 New Venture Creation


Author: B Kirsten

ISBN: 978-1-77581-358-3

Introducing Hector, Mavis Aunty Bee and the Bee-Bop Milk Bar & Ice Cream Palace! The first two books in this series provided the foundation and background theory you need to be familiar with in running your new venture. This last book goes deeply into detail making use of a continuous example taken from a real business. Market research, financing, ethics, law, risk management, costing and pricing all are interwoven into a challenging learning experience with examples and exercises which really take you well into understanding what it takes to make your business a success. Enjoy the ride in the company of people you might recognise…

internalisation of the subject matter, whilst still keeping the tried and trusted content that has made the series so popular with students and lecturers alike.

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