eBook: N5 Sales Management


Authors: A Roelofse and J Francis 

ISBN: 978-1-77581-339-2

The book was recently upgraded to make it more relevant for today’s students. The upgrades include new activities, up-to-date information, e-links  and a new improved lay-out, while still covering the existing syllabus. This upgrade will definitely enhance the process of teaching and learning of this exciting subject.

This upgraded textbook gives broad insight to the evolving sales force of the present day. It outlines organisation, recruitment processes, training, financial compensation and evaluation of staff. Examples are given to show the micro and macro effects of management, giving students a simultaneously detailed and wide concept of the marketplace. Once familiar with the structure, students are asked to apply their knowledge to case studies and activities in each section. Thus Sales Management provides invaluable scope, skills and confidence necessary for this field.

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